I am a little dissapointed with Aion. It is another grindfest with very little team gameplays. If you have played WoW or Guild Wars before you might just go back to those games. Like I said Aion failed in China but I think it will do well here. It's not bad but its not great either. Because lots of people are willing to grind and play solo in the states, the game will be around for a little bit. This game is not very original, lots of things in the game reminds me of Guild Wars. The graphic is good prolly the best in MMOs but its not too great. The graphic is close to Far Cry 1 but slightly improved but that was considered good graphics long time ago... Aion is a good example to show that graphic isn't everything. I will play prolly for 1 or 2 months, it's not gonna be a long stay.