
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Modern Warfare 2 review

Two overall scores, one for the single player mode and one for the multiplayer mode. If you are a PC gamer, don't buy this game...

Story: 9 good, too short , cliffhanger ending
Graphic: 9 decent, almost the same as MW 1.
Music: 8
Gameplay: 7 no lean... the gameplay was very average. The level designs such as the snowmobile level and chase levels made it up.
Replay value:7 single player mode was too short... not much difference from MW1 but worth playing the story mode over again.

Overall: 8.0

Multiplayer mode:
It's broken...I feel like I don't need to repeat what other people have been complaining. Special op mode was still fun.

Overall score: 3.0